At a recently hosted business luncheon for Hardware Association Ireland (HAI) members and its Executive Committee, attendees were honoured to be joined by Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien TD, who answered questions from attendees about key activities and challenges in housing, vacant properties, building controls and more. Watch his responses to key questions below:
Minister’s welcome:
Q: Minister, how do you think we are getting on?
Q: Minister, what are your key reasons for focusing on Vacant Properties?
Q: How has demand for the Vacant Homes Grant been progressing, and how to you see it progressing further?
Q: Are there plans to increase Apprenticeship Grants and retain qualified craft construction workers in the country?
Q: What is the Planning and Development Bill?
Q: Can under-resourced building control and site policing be enhanced to address product quality and certification disparities?
Q: What challenges do developers face in acquiring land, with issues like re-zoning, land tax, and legal cases impeding delivery?
Q: What are your thoughts on the housing affordability challenge, with a €127,000 salary required for buyers?
For more information about our Empty Homes campaign, and how to get involved, click here.