The Minister for Housing and Urban Development Mr. Damien English, T.D., has announced a public consultation on his intention to review the following parts of the Building Regulations:
Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings (Recast) sets requirements at an EU level for Member States to improve the energy performance of buildings and to make an important contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As part of the implementation of this directive it is proposed to amend Building Regulations Part L Conservation of Fuel and Energy- Dwellings, and Building Regulations Part F Ventilation.
Information on this consultation may be accessed on the Department’s website at
Submissions and comments on the review of Part L and/or Part F should be submitted on the Templates for Submissions only and sent by email to
The closing date for the receipt of submissions and comments is no later than 5:30 p.m. on Friday 8th June 2018